If you are not using MagicSchool you need to be. It’s one website that has over 60 AI tools for educators.
Want kids to watch a YouTube video on a topic you taught them but don’t have the time or energy to generate guiding questions? MagicSchool has a tool that will do it for you.
Need a rubric for the project your students are working on? MagicSchool has a rubric generator.
Have students write songs based on a topic they are studying in class? MagicSchool has a Song Generator tool.
Want to create a choice board of options for students to work on during the week? MagicSchool has a Choice Board tool.
Need to write report card comments? MagicSchool can generate report card comments with a student’s strengths and areas for growth.
Take any text and level it to any grade level to fit a student’s reading level and skills.
Translate a text into any language instantly.
Take the text and summarize it to any desired length.
Generate professional email communications to families and translate to multiple languages.
Generate Group Work activities based on a topic, standard, or objective.
Generate letters of recommendation to a university or institution for a student using specific content about them.
Here is an introduction video to some of the new features:
Let us know how you are using MagicSchool in our Facebook Group.
MagicSchool sounds like a fantastic resource with a wide range of AI tools for educators. I appreciate all the ways it supports teachers in managing their workload and enhancing student learning experiences.
In addition to MagicSchool, I've found Brisk Teaching to be another great tool that simplifies lesson planning and saves time. It's a free Chrome extension specifically designed for teachers, offering intuitive features to streamline daily tasks. It’s been really helpful in my experience, and I think it complements the capabilities of MagicSchool quite well.
Both platforms seem to offer valuable support, making our jobs a bit easier and more efficient. It’s great to have these kinds of resources at our disposal!